Contract A36164, Design-Build Services for Accessibility Upgrades at 68th Street-Hunter College Station on the Lexington Line calls for the installation of elevators, ADA path-of-travel improvements, and associated state of good repair work. Forte-Citnalta Joint Venture (FCJV) received the award for the $102M Design-Build contract to improve accessibility in Manhattan’s NYCT subway system.
Three new elevators will be installed for this Project - one from street to mezzanine, and two new elevators from mezzanine to both northbound and southbound platforms. Three new stairways will be installed to allow passengers to traverse between mezzanine, street level and platform levels, and an existing stairway will be refurbished. To accommodate for the installation of the new elevators and stairway, the existing mezzanine will be expanded and two new mezzanines will be added. FCJV will perform state of good repair throughout the station and street utility relocation to make room for the upgrades.
